Electronics in Central Region

Have you ever made electronic products? And in the amount of more than two pieces? Yes? Then you know what a problem it is - a good PCB. You are familiar with breaks in tracks, undergraves, short circuits, violation of metallization of vias and other “pleasures”. Are you tired of the struggle for stability of supply with semi-legal manufacturers. You have seen that the high prices of state-owned enterprises do not guarantee anything but problems. Finding a reliable partner with reasonable prices is your constant concern. The author of the article, Sergey Aleksandrovich Toporov, Deputy Director for Production of the research and production company "Phaeton", shares his experience in solving these problems. We hope you find it useful. MORE MATERIALS ON THE NEW VERSION OF THE SITE. Now it is convenient to read from mobile phones! Every time you come to Shenzhen, you involuntarily notice that something has changed again. Somewhere a new silhouette of a skyscraper appeared against the background of an overcast sky, somewhere the road Electronics in Central Region way was once again re-cut or a police booth appeared, stuck near the intersection of roads. The ordinary life of the city, which is rightly considered the Chinese center for the production of electronics, around Shenzhen there are hundreds of factories, large and small, famous and those whose names no one will ever know. This is a huge seething cauldron, in which millions of people work, everything here is created on a Chinese scale. From the outside, it is very difficult to assess the scale of the industry; it is hidden from prying eyes behind the high fences of factories and company headquarters. Guess how many people work at Huawei's headquarters located in this city? You will see the entrance to a large campus, security, and dozens of buildings stretching into the distance. There is no production here, but only the usual functions serving the company, research laboratories and warehouses, which are as automated as possible, people are almost not required there. Every day 40,000 people come to work in this "office". This figure illustrates well what is happening in China and what is considered normal, and there are dozens of such companies, not to mention thousands of smaller players. I talked about the structure of retail chains and electronics stores in China in a detailed report, since then nothing has changed. I highly recommend reading it in order to understand how the Chinese market lives, so that you have a whole picture. In the same article, I have a slightly different task - to tell about how the "electric street" lives in Shenzhen, where they sell electronics and components for it, who works here and who buys goods. This can be done in various ways - you can stand in the shoes of a tourist who first got to such a market, and for the hundredth time describe how it looks from the outside. Or you can try to dilute this story with life stories from the other side, from behind the counter. In the area near Huaquang North Subway is the HuaQiangBei Market, a street full of shops selling electronics and components. Here you can find anything you want - wires, diodes and resistors, lamps, processors, ready-made devices of any type, from a telephone to a combat drone or a small controlled aircraft. It is an unofficial exhibition of Chinese thought that has been named "Electric Street". The shops are scattered outside the buildings, inside they occupy entire floors of skyscrapers, and each specializes in something of its own, less often the specialization looks like the sale of dissimilar goods, such guys do not stay here for a long time. Jenny got on the electric street at nineteen years old, before that she worked in a factory nearby and earned 1,500 yuan. She comes from a small village in northern China, a recruiter came to them, looking for girls to work in factories. Several girls went to work, Jenny followed in their footsteps when she was 17 years old. Almost two years at the factory remained a gray spot, they were almost erased from memory. Every day the same job, life in a hostel with other girls, there were sixteen of them in the room. The promises that she could find a husband in the big city, get an education, find a good job turned out to be a tempting story used by the recruiter. Yes, and it was never possible to get the promised money in hand, the owner of the factory built a system in which the girls constantly made mistakes, and each offense was punished with the yuan. Jenn https://jiji.ug/central-region/electronics


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